Saturday, October 6, 2012

GDG DevFest Bandung 2012

Thanks to everyone for coming to and for being part of our first-ever GDG DevFest held in Bandung. Hope that you had fun and can make the best of that we had at the event. Below are a short summary and some photos of our #DevFestBDG.

Our DevFest happened on last Saturday, 6th October 2012, from 8 am to 5 pm local time. The event was attended by around 140 people (124 of which signed the attendance list) from different categories incl. experienced developers and designers but also students, lecturers and newbie programmers. Based on our community interests which have been discussed previously, #DevFestBDG focused on two main topics. The first topic was "Android" on which +Tony Chan (Google Android Dev. Advocate) talked in two sessions. The second one was "HTML5" about which +Imaduddin Amin and +Yohan Totting from local developer communities discussed in their talks. There were also sessions where +Peb Aryan highlighted some interesting usage of GAE and +Arie M. Prasetyo showcased G+ API with Arduino.

For a more colorful view of our event, please explore the event gallery on our +GDG Bandung page on G+. Or you might also want to search via our hashtag #DevFestBDG. Once again, thanks to all the speakers, participants and organizers for being part of our #DevFestBDG. On behalf of the community we also thank Google, especially the whole Dev.Rel & DevFest team, for supporting this great developer event :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

#DevFestBDG in a Few Hours ...

We're thrilled to open our first GDG DevFest in Bandung. Our prime time is in less than 24 hours :-) ... Please check our agenda and  make sure that you're there on time at 08.40.

We're very sorry for those who cannot be invited to this event and very thankful for your interest. It's really just the matter of logistics and unfortunately we didn't get any chance to increase the number of participants. But there is still possibly a chance, so please monitor our twitter and/or gplus.


Bagi peserta yg sudah terdaftar, mohon datang tempat waktu dan membawa bukti invitation dan/atau tanda pengenal. Bagi yang belum mendapat undangan, mohon monitor twitter, apabila ada tempat/posisi kosong akan kami sebar via twitter.

Hashtag resmi kita di G+ adalah #GDG #DevFest #DevFestBDG #event, dan mohon mention +GDG Bandung.

Untuk feedback penyelenggara untuk acara GDG DevFest Bandung, setelah acara selesai, mohon diisi form survey berikut.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Countdown DevFestBDG & Some Updates

@all, second round invitations are sent yesterday, only a few slots are still available. So please check your email and do confirmation if you're invited.

Undangan ronde kedua sudah dikirim kemarin, harap dicek inbox masing-masing :)

Some updates & announcement:

  • Agenda is updated; there're no dedicated codelabs session, but instead every speaker may do a short codelabs in their sessions.
  • For our event the next 2 days, please tweet & post at gplus with the hashtag #GDG #DevFest #DevFestBDG #event

Hope see you all in the next two days at the Luxton :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

List of Participants

A tentative list of participants can now be seen here. It isn't updated automatically yet, sorry ... should actually be apps-script-ed .. :-) ... If you have confirmed (1-2 days), please check whether you are already listed there, if no please contact us via the email addresses provided in the invitation.

Thanks ...  :)

Invitation Sent!

Invitations are sent! Please follow the instruction given in the email and confirm us that you will attend the event.

Undangan sudah dikirimkan (mestinya juga yg waiting-list sudah ada pemberitahuan ya?). Bagi yg menerima email undangan, mohon untuk mengisi form konfirmasi singkat sesuai dengan petunjuk pada email. Bagi yang masuk pada waiting-list, harap tetap monitor email dalam beberapa hari kedepan dan twitter GDG Bandung & organizer pada hari H.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Undangan & CodeLabs

Karena banyak yang bertanya tentang undangan/invitation, update-nya sbb.

Undangan/daftar peserta dan kandidat akan di-email paling lambat hari Sabtu 29 September (23.59 WIB). Konfirmasi bagi peserta terdaftar paling lambat hari Senin 1 Oktober (23.59 WIB). Peserta yang belum konfirmasi hingga senin, tempatnya akan ditawarkan ke kandidat lain, begitu seterusnya sampai jumlah peserta maksimum terpenuhi.

Peserta harap melihat agenda acara dan hadir tepat waktu. Peserta terdaftar yang belum hadir hingga pukul 09.00 (hari H, tgl 6 Oktober), tempatnya akan ditawarkan ke kandidat lain melalui twitter.


Untuk sesi CodeLabs, peserta diharapkan membawa laptop yang sudah full-charged, mengingat keterbatasan outlet listrik.

Ada usul/saran? silahkan komen di bawah. Thanks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Registration Closed!

Many thanks, merci, terima-kasih to all who have registered :) ... we've recorded around 250 registrants.

Yang daftar sudah melebihi quota, sehingga harus kami tutup. Acara disiapkan hanya untuk 150 orang, mudah-mudahan dilain waktu GDG Bandung bisa mengadakan acara dengan jumlah peserta yang lebih banyak. Undangan akan dikirimkan melalui email yang diberikan waktu pendaftaran, dan bisa jadi kami minta konfirmasi melalui sebuah form lagi.

Bagi yg TIDAK mendapatkan undangan/email, anda kami masukan ke dalam waiting-list. Apabila pada hari H, ada peserta yang tidak datang, nama yg terdaftar pada waiting-list dapat mengikuti acara (harap monitor twitter @dokterdroid, @iboen atau @eueung pada tgl 6 Oktober pagi.

Bagi yg mendapatkan undangan/email, harap melakukan konfirmasi sesuai petunjuk pada email dan mohon datang tepat waktu sesuai dengan Agenda yang telah disusun. Apabila anda belum datang/registrasi sebelum jam 9.00 pagi (tgl 6 Oktober), tempat akan kami tawarkan pada peserta waiting-list.