Saturday, September 29, 2012

List of Participants

A tentative list of participants can now be seen here. It isn't updated automatically yet, sorry ... should actually be apps-script-ed .. :-) ... If you have confirmed (1-2 days), please check whether you are already listed there, if no please contact us via the email addresses provided in the invitation.

Thanks ...  :)

Invitation Sent!

Invitations are sent! Please follow the instruction given in the email and confirm us that you will attend the event.

Undangan sudah dikirimkan (mestinya juga yg waiting-list sudah ada pemberitahuan ya?). Bagi yg menerima email undangan, mohon untuk mengisi form konfirmasi singkat sesuai dengan petunjuk pada email. Bagi yang masuk pada waiting-list, harap tetap monitor email dalam beberapa hari kedepan dan twitter GDG Bandung & organizer pada hari H.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Undangan & CodeLabs

Karena banyak yang bertanya tentang undangan/invitation, update-nya sbb.

Undangan/daftar peserta dan kandidat akan di-email paling lambat hari Sabtu 29 September (23.59 WIB). Konfirmasi bagi peserta terdaftar paling lambat hari Senin 1 Oktober (23.59 WIB). Peserta yang belum konfirmasi hingga senin, tempatnya akan ditawarkan ke kandidat lain, begitu seterusnya sampai jumlah peserta maksimum terpenuhi.

Peserta harap melihat agenda acara dan hadir tepat waktu. Peserta terdaftar yang belum hadir hingga pukul 09.00 (hari H, tgl 6 Oktober), tempatnya akan ditawarkan ke kandidat lain melalui twitter.


Untuk sesi CodeLabs, peserta diharapkan membawa laptop yang sudah full-charged, mengingat keterbatasan outlet listrik.

Ada usul/saran? silahkan komen di bawah. Thanks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Registration Closed!

Many thanks, merci, terima-kasih to all who have registered :) ... we've recorded around 250 registrants.

Yang daftar sudah melebihi quota, sehingga harus kami tutup. Acara disiapkan hanya untuk 150 orang, mudah-mudahan dilain waktu GDG Bandung bisa mengadakan acara dengan jumlah peserta yang lebih banyak. Undangan akan dikirimkan melalui email yang diberikan waktu pendaftaran, dan bisa jadi kami minta konfirmasi melalui sebuah form lagi.

Bagi yg TIDAK mendapatkan undangan/email, anda kami masukan ke dalam waiting-list. Apabila pada hari H, ada peserta yang tidak datang, nama yg terdaftar pada waiting-list dapat mengikuti acara (harap monitor twitter @dokterdroid, @iboen atau @eueung pada tgl 6 Oktober pagi.

Bagi yg mendapatkan undangan/email, harap melakukan konfirmasi sesuai petunjuk pada email dan mohon datang tepat waktu sesuai dengan Agenda yang telah disusun. Apabila anda belum datang/registrasi sebelum jam 9.00 pagi (tgl 6 Oktober), tempat akan kami tawarkan pada peserta waiting-list.

Updates : Venue, URL

Some updates as of today:

Monday, September 17, 2012

Updates : Agenda, Speakers, Seats

Below are some updates for our DevFest event:

  • Pre-final versions of the Agenda and Speakers are just put on the corresponding pages, check it out (here for Agenda or here for the Speakers).
  • Venue will be finalized this week
  • Seats are still available :) ... 70+% of current registrants are students, around 25% are IT staffs/developers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tshirt Design

As of today, it isn't final yet. So you still have time to give us some ideas :) ... Tell us what you think!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Registration is now open!

We're still working on the whole arrangement of the event. Detailed information will be given once it's available.

Meanwhile, to reserve a seat for GDG DevFest Bandung, head on over to the registration page. Confirmations will be given via this site or we will be sending out confirmation emails to all accepted registrants at most a week before the event. Note that: you are not registered for the event until we confirm as mentioned above. Due to space considerations, we may not be able to confirm all applicants (as of our current plan, we have only 150 seats to offer).

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Time: 8am - 6pm
Venue: TBA

See you at GDG DevFest @ Bandung!

Monday, September 10, 2012

What is a DevFest?

The paragraph below is an *official* answer taken from

GDG DevFests are large community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, codelabs etc. Each GDG DevFest will be inspired by and uniquely tailored to the needs of the developer community that hosts it. But while no two events will be exactly alike, each GDG DevFest will, at its core, be powered by a shared belief that when developers come together to exchange ideas, amazing things can happen.

Target audience for the GDG Bandung DevFest are professionals and students including web and mobile developers of all skill levels building applications using Google technologies.

First GDG/GTUG DevFest @ Bandung

Welcome, Willkomen, Wilujeng Sumping :)

This would be our official page for the first GDG DevFest in Bandung. To maintain readability to our international colleagues/communities, english would be use in this site. But sure, for some topics mostly related to our local communities we might use ours :) ... including sundanese! So feel free to contribute, comment or discuss in any languages.